
Posts Tagged ‘Emotions’

Emotional Choice – P.T.R.’s first National recording project!

In Meditation, Music, Phantom Tollbooth Records on February 9, 2011 at 3:36 PM

I love emotions… most of the time. In the past I have been accused of being emotionless and at times I am sure that has been true. However, over the years I have come to believe that the answer to “Why are we here” is to experience the gamut of emotions. In essence, experience the vast depths of life. I believe there is a productive, creative, way to do this and a reactive or subversive way to do this.

There has been an increasing influx of books, movies, etc. out there talking about the Law of Attraction, and the Power of Intention over the past decade. There are many people that believe we have a say on the outcome of our life. Many of these theories talk about the power of having high energy, or remaining positive. The Law of Attraction states that we get what we give. If we are joyful we will receive joy in return.

While I agree with much of this, I have often seen people walking around with fake smiles and crappy jobs hoping for joy and financial abundance and completely closing themselves off to all other emotions for fear that they won’t get what they want if they feel sadness or anger. Is it possible that these people are closing themselves off from a huge part of life in hopes of some spiritual or emotional jackpot.

As I reflect on my life, the memories that have stayed and made the biggest impression, have been the ones where I experienced the most emotion. Whether it was a joyous vacation or a brutal fight, each of the times I let myself experience the depths of emotion my experience was more present, full and memorable.

I am not suggesting that we go around crying when ever we feel tired or jumping for joy at a funny thought during a meeting. Instead, I am suggesting that we become familiar with all of the emotions. That we understand why and when we choose those emotions. That we become in alignment with the results of the emotions that we choose.

Above all, I suggest that emotions become a choice, an emotional choice. That we live a life of creation, one in which we acknowledge the emotions that come unannounced, we dive into them and explore their reason for emerging and then we choose whether or not they serve us going forward.

Recently I found out that I am not the only one who looks at emotions as a choice. I was blessed with the opportunity to assist in the creation of a powerful tool that uses technology, binaural beats, music and vocal guidance to aid in experiencing, understanding and choosing our emotions.

Aptly named, the tool is called Emotional Choice and was created using the amazing musical talents of J. S. Epperson and the calm, clear vocals of Lori McDonald.

I was fortunate enough to be able to record and edit the vocals in my studio (Phantom Tollbooth Records) and was amazed at the amount of thought and power put into Emotional Choice. Even as I was editing it I found myself changed by the concepts and gained a deeper understanding of my emotions. That combined with the binaural beats have created a powerful tool that can give the listener the ability to create and live life while experiencing the depths of emotion.

If you would like to experience or just check out what Emotional Choice is all about, click below:

Emotional Choice

P. S. I feel that being able to work on Emotional Choice as P.T.R. has assisted me in getting out there with my musical talents and I am excited to keep moving forward with them!!! – John Rogers

To here a sample of Emotional Choice click Here!