
Posts Tagged ‘Peace’

My birthday, The General and… peace?

In Music, TheMrRogers Blogs on May 5, 2011 at 6:25 PM

First off, I intend this to be the shortest blog I have ever written. We shall see…

29 years ago, I was born. It has been quite the roller coaster and this ride has taken me from the some of the brightest places and faces and to some of the darkest and back. I have had the opportunity to see both sides of religion, money, violence, hate, love, scarcity, abundance, and more.

I don’t say this to distinguish myself as having lived more then others, only to explain my come from on my epiphany this morning. Often times in my life I have taken complex people and stripped or judged them down to a sound bite; he is weird, she is boring, religious, drunk, crazy, etc…

Today, as I was showering for work, the above song came on. The band is Dispatch and they are amazing. This song (The General) in particular, is amazing. Here is a part of the song that stood out for me as I was pondering life, my journey and the battles I have chosen to fight:

“He said,
I have seen the others and I have discovered that this fight is not worth fighting
And I’ve have seen their mothers and I will no other to follow me where I’m going

So, take your shower, shine your shoes
You got no time to lose
You are young men you must be living
Take your shower, shine your shoes
Well, you got no time to lose
You are young men you must be living
Go now you are forgiven”

(Under the youtube video the full lyrics are written)

In the hustle and chaos of daily life, I often forget that you are a complex person. So, today, on this the day of my birth 29 years ago, I make one more birthday wish. I wish that we all remember, if only for a moment that you were once a child, that he is someone’s brother, that she is someone’s sister, that they have mothers, fathers, dreams, passion, fear, doubts, love… but most of all, “that this fight is not worth fighting!”

–       Peace

P.S. Happy Cinco De Mayo!.. Tequila!!!

A Peace of the world

In SyncCreation Blogs on April 8, 2010 at 8:46 PM

Have you ever found yourself wanting world peace? Have you ever imagined what that would look like? What would be different? What would have to change to have world Peace?

It has been said that if you put the wisest minds together in a room with the intention to have them come out with a list of how to create world peace. They would never come out, because they would fight over how it should be done.

…So I decided to give it a try…

For full article click here: