
Posts Tagged ‘lyricists’

Do you believe you can have it all?

In SyncCreation Blogs on May 6, 2010 at 5:00 PM


I John Rogers, am a Father, a husband, a musician, a lyricists, a business consultant, a fisherman, a skater, a snowboarder, a life coach, an eccentric, a practitioner of SyncCreation, a leader, a follower, and a friend.

While I define myself as these things I am also me with out them. However, right now in this moment I acknowledge all of these things as parts of my life that I choose to nurture, give energy and create with.

Each of these things takes time and energy. Some of these things create time and energy.  All of these things I choose to do… All of them!

I have a belief that I would like to share with you. I believe that I can have it all!

For the full article click here: