
Posts Tagged ‘Beliefs’

Awesomeness – Day 24 – Sweat Lodge, Love, and being a Man.

In 30 Day Spiritual, Quest of Awesomeness!, SyncCreation Blogs, TheMrRogers Blogs on August 4, 2010 at 4:02 PM


Last night was absolutely amazing! I have been to a sweat lodge a few handfuls of times now and each time they are amazing. Each time it is a new experience with new lessons and a new opportunity to re align the path I am on. Last night was the most intense one so far!

Before I continue, I am going to clarify that in honor and respect of this sacred, ancient and powerful ceremony, I am going to reframe from sharing the mechanics of the evening. If you feel a call to learn more, if you feel a pull to experience it for yourself, then let me know. I am not here to convince or enroll anyone into coming to sweat lodges, these ceremonies call those that are ready and it calls all walks of life, religion, personalities and beliefs to come together and sweat in an old way.

Now, the sweat wasn’t the most intense because it was the hottest. I have been in hotter sweat lodges. It wasn’t because it was co-ed. I have done co-ed before. It wasn’t because it was summer, or the amount of people, or the length… all of these things I have done before.

While there are a many of reasons that I belief this was my most challenging sweat and my most powerful sweat to date, I am going to name a few.

Clean Clear and Present enough to see a new path

I have been keeping my mind, soul and body clean clear and very present throughout the past 24 days. I could feel this as I sweat! I believe this allowed my mind, body and spirit to go further in the experience then I have in the past.

I became very aware that in the past 24 days I have planted the seed, to a habit, of moving forward present and connected to the moment instead of allowing myself to “take the bait” that distractions, and even my ego, offer. This bait, and the distractions, often come up when I am up against fear, un-comfort, pain, and other things that have stopped me on my path.

Last night, I felt that line, I choose into that line, and I choose into crossing it. I choose into letting go the bitterness, pain, and anger that I hold on to, to validate my rightness and my life/actions. I choose to surrender to a higher source, a higher energy, my higher self.

Now, I do not pretend to think that the bitterness, pain and anger will never come back. What I do know is that I did cross that line and in doing so I created a new experience, a new reality, and saw a new path; a path that I set my soul’s compass to. A path that probably has new lines that I will have the opportunity to cross in the future. None the less, a path that is new, that has some new beliefs and some new insights and therefore has the power to create new results.

My fire within

A path that is set on a foundation that is solid, strong, soft, kind, caring, nurturing, humble and loving. While during the sweat, I remembered some things I forgot. I remembered my belief that I can create myself and my relationships outside of the confines that society dictates.

That I can be a man who walks a path that brings religions together, spirituality together and crosses the lines that have been made in past millennia. That I can be a man who can live fully in the spirit, while being a powerful force in business all while remaining, simple, innocent and loving. That I can be a man who loves women, honors them, respects them and supports them in being the angles they are.

These were all beliefs I had at a younger age. These are all beliefs that had started to fade and dwindle in the resent years as my scares started to cover them up and bury them down. I remembered this, and I learned something new. That these beliefs, that the man I am in my soul, are/is something that gets to be practiced. It is something that gets to be nurtured, acknowledged and held in the soft space of love.

I used to have the belief that it was my right to shine so bright and because of this right the world would make way. But just like this planet, my light, my soul gets to be watered, given the warmth of the sun and nurtured or it will dwindle and become snuffed out by the energies of destruction. This is the cycle of nature. It is my choice.

Last night, I chose to shine. I felt it, I felt it so clear I can even show you were the fire of the fathers is with in me. I can show you where my light is with in me. I can tell you why it shines. And I can embrace you with the solid, strong, soft, kind, caring, nurturing, humble and loving light of it.

To walk this path together

It is no secret to many and even if you haven’t experienced it you might have picked some of it up through my previous blogs; my wife and I have been in a pretty ruff spot. The past year and a half with the birth of a new baby, new house that we rehabbed, the death of my grandfather, illnesses, jobs, and more, have taken a toll on our relationship.

We have been attempting to find our footing in all of this and find the space were our love for another can grow instead of be snuffed out by the heaviness of our lives, our pain and our anger. I have shared a few things in the past about things we are using to reconnect and rekindle our like and love for one another.

I mentioned in a previous blog about my epiphany to create new experiences with my wife so that we could create new beliefs about and with each other and therefore get new results. Even though I had this epiphany, it was very hard to put into practice and often I found myself doing a new variety of the same old stuff.

Last night, my wife and I came together to sweat in an ancient and sacred way. Last night, for the first time in a very, very long time, I allowed myself to be humbled, venerable, and truly open to the light that my wife has. Last night I sat in awe of the humility, the depth, and the love that my wife had shown.

I was scratching the surface with my attempts to create new experiences/beliefs/results. Last night my wife and I shared the depths of our souls with each other and it helped shape a new reality, a new path. After the sweat, I stared into her eyes and having left the bitterness, pain, anger, in the sweat, I saw my love, my angel, my queen and looked into the depths of the light that she is. Oh how I have missed you and I am so grateful for the experience that reminded me of it.

I do not presume that I might pick up some of this pain and anger in the future. I am human and I know I have more work to be done, that my wife and I have more work to be done. But just like my light, the light of our relationship gets to be nurtured, acknowledged and held in a soft and loving space. And I choose to do this, I choose to walk this path, I choose to walk hand in hand with her as we nurture the light that we create… 4 ever!

I thank all of you who where there with me last night, for your energy, for your light, for the lessons I learned from you and the reflections of myself that I saw in you. I thank all of you who read this post. I have received the support from my wife to share this with you and in doing so it makes this path more real. Thank you for standing as a witness to the journey that I am on and may you keep on keepin on!

–          John Rogers

Checking in:

  • Still on track 100%
  • Eating healthy
  • I am counting the sweet as both a work out and a meditation (you doubt me on this… come see for yourself)
  • Drinking water quota (and then sweat it all out)
  • Yesterday I re listened to and wrote a review on a Hemi-Sync meditation that is designed for children. Check it out
  • Tracking my meals
  • No Don’ts

Awesomeness – Day 15 – Manifestation, Intention and Piano (Weekend recap)

In 30 Day Spiritual, Quest of Awesomeness!, SyncCreation Blogs, TheMrRogers Blogs on July 26, 2010 at 4:36 PM

I truly believe in the power of manifestation! What does this mean? I believe that I have the ability; we have the ability, to affect the results we get in life through the power of intention and the focus of energy.

Some might ask, “Then why do you not have everything that you want”. Well, it is true that I do not have everything I want and there are many things that I am still working on manifesting into this reality. However, often (at an increasing rate) I am able to bring in amazing things that I had intended.

Why some things and not others… yet? Why can I manifest some things with ease and others take time? This is a question that I have discussed with many people at length. In fact, through my work with SyncCreation, it is a question that gets brought up often.

In short, here is my response; if I (the manifester) have huge beliefs about the thing I am intending, then those beliefs get to be cleaned before I can manifest it. For example, if I have an intention to manifest a front row parking spot at a crowded concert, for me that would be easy. I do not have huge beliefs about parking spots and I also belief it is possible. In fact I have a history in doing so.

However, if my intention is to manifest my right arm (which is continually giving me trouble and occasionally pops out of its socket) being at %100 again, I would have to address my beliefs about my body, about healing, about my personal ability to heal and about physical mater in general.

I like to look at it this way; each day I have a full glass of water (representing my energy) and an empty glass of water (representing the things that take energy). Each daily activity that takes energy takes water from the energy glass and puts it into my empty glass. So things that suck my energy (fighting, stress, etc) take some of the water.

What is left in the energy glass is what I get to use to create and manifest with. But before I can manifest that healthy arm I have to give each belief, doubt, self worth issue, etc. some of the energy water. So with the manifestation I have, that has a lot of beliefs attached to it, I often run out of energy before I go to manifest them into my reality.

As I have been doing the 30 days of awesomeness, I have noticed that I have a lot more energy! Not only to go about my daily activities; I also have more energy to apply to my intentions!!

My goal these 30 days has been to be in peak performance and what I have noticed, is that not only do I feel more focused, connected, sharp and on my game. I also notice that the day to day things, that I let use my energy, have been less. Therefore, I have had more energy to apply to some of these intentions that have bigger beliefs attached to them!

Two things I must acknowledge on this subject. First, while I apply my energy towards clearing the beliefs I belief that is only part of the clearing process. Like I mentioned in previous blogs, I believe it is futile to take beliefs head on.

When I am doing the work to clear these beliefs I am doing meditation, exercises, etc to find the root of these beliefs. I belief that the next step is creating new experiences (as I have said before) and I believe that these new experiences can also be create through deep meditation. (This is why I use the SyncCreation Home Study Course as it has many tools to do this).

It is that dance between cleaning up spiritually/energetically and taking action to create new beliefs… one with out the other is like dancing with only one leg; you will keep going in circles!

Now to recap the weekend; one of the biggest manifestations I have been working on is my music. To meet people, have equipment and create in a way that gets my vision and passion out to people while supporting others in getting theirs out as well.

I have had a lot of beliefs about music that I have done a ton of work on. Beliefs like; I am not good enough, I don’t have a message that people want to hear, my equipment wont work and isn’t good enough, etc. and I have continually done work to clear these up.

Over the weekend I saw some results of this intention. I now have a computer that ROCKS!!! And can record awesomeness with little to no latency. I have some new equipment that is going to double my sound quality. My wife gave me the green light to create a sound room off of my office. And the coolest thing that happened this weekend; I have just inherited the Piano that I grew up playing and practicing on! It is so much easier to connect and create to music when it is a piano (instead of my 61 key Yamaha keyboard)!

So there we go, my weekend was a culmination of musical manifestation, service to friends and family. All in all, a pretty successful weekend!

Checking in:

Keep on Keepin on!

Awesomeness – Day 8 – Recap of AMAZING weekend and lessons learned!

In 30 Day Spiritual, Quest of Awesomeness!, SyncCreation Blogs, TheMrRogers Blogs on July 19, 2010 at 4:53 PM


This past weekend was amazing. I had a two distinct moments of enlightenment that I will spend days/months/years understanding and imbibing. Before I go into them (one in today’s blog and one in tomorrows) I would like to give a quick background of the place/training that set the environment for these epiphanies.

Many of the people, who know me, know that I went through The Great Life Foundation (GLF) about 7/8 years ago. Then about 4/5 years ago, I went through their Founders Training. I was so inspired by both (Founders in particular) that since then I have been on the Founders Board.

Their core trainings unlocked a part of me that I had kept trapped in side since childhood; my emotions, my love for people, my passion and vision, my musical talents and over all it gave me the invitation to live a great life instead of buying into the comfortable complacency that I was mainlining from the masses.

Founders training kicked it up a notch. As I went through Founders I tapped into my vision and how to live it daily, I tapped into my skills and I also found a fire burning inside of me that was strong enough to fuel my desire to attain that which I wanted in my life.

I could go on for hours about the Great Life Foundation’s core trainings and Founders but I would like to discuss the epiphanies I recently had. On that note, one of the best parts about GLF and Founders is staffing. Staffing is an excellent opportunity to gain even more perspective and notice/practice on a deeper level each time. That is what happened these past few days.

Epiphany number 1 – “Seeking Balance” vs. “Being in Balance”:

For the past 10 years (post punk rock, violence and keggers) I have sought balance in my life and I can honestly say I have attained it many times. In fact I have been on an internal cycle of attaining balance and then subconsciously destroying it. I am so clock work in doing this that my wife and I have pinned it down to a 6 month time line… build balance, obtain it and destroy it at the end of the cycle.

Pause that thought for a moment, I will come back to it. Last week as I was staffing Founders, I spoke to a friend of mine, Randy Young, and expressed my belief that it is futile for people to try and destroy their beliefs or even take them head on. I have seen many attempt to destroy them, especially once they found books/movies like ‘The Secret’ or have gone through trainings like GLF.

I shared with Randy how I believe our beliefs are ingrained in us to the point where we aren’t even aware and to continually try and destroy them is a life sentence of chipping away at the top of Everest while thinking we are on a small rock.

In the book Blink Malcolm Gladwell describes the story of how Symphonies used to be comprised of men (except for the occasional female harp player) because everyone believed that men where fundamentally better at playing classical music. If anyone where ever to deem this as sexist, the response would be that; because each symphony held tryouts for their positions and men won every time, there was no way it could be prejudice.

That was until one try out, where, because a son of one of the panel judges was auditioning, they put up a curtain (so the judges could not see who was playing). Of course, a female won the audition and all of the judges where in shock. Since then, auditions have been held using curtains and over and over again women have been accepted to play in the symphonies.

The reason I share this story is to show my point about beliefs. No mater how many times someone told these judges that they had beliefs about women which were affecting their results, they couldn’t see it. Even if they were to be open to the possibility that they were being prejudice, they would still hear the men as better.

No mater how many times someone wants to destroy a belief, it is still there. So instead of chipping at the mountain, why not put up external curtains or build situations that force the individual to look at things in a different way and/or do things in different ways.

Even in extreme situations (like experiential trainings such as GLF and Founders) I have seen many (including myself) walk with my beliefs out, trying to destroy my beliefs, with out realizing that I was acting out the belief I was attempting to destroy.  Every time I do this I find myself frustrated and saying something like this; “are we doomed to keep learning the same lesson, over and over, just in new and different ways”.

My answer is Yes and No. Yes if we try and change/destroy our beliefs. No if we consciously choose to let exterior forces, such as a curtain, into our lives to force us into a new belief, a new experience, a new way of looking at things. Then we have the opportunity to glimpse and maybe even imbibe a new belief, one that might eventually replace the old belief that we wanted to destroy. This is just like in Malcolm’s story; the curtain is now used across the world and the belief about men being better is no longer held.

Founders CAN be a curtain. Here is why, it is something that you won’t experience in your day to day, by nature (because there is a facilitator) there is the opportunity to relinquish my actions/decisions to an exterior force (facilitator, staff, experience, etc).  How ever, one must choose into putting beliefs aside and giving the parameters of the experience to an external force (facilitator, staff, etc). So how do I see this applying to my life? Here is an example:

Here is one belief I am constantly attempting to change; my belief about creating a successful business. I have spent a lot of time on this one; schooling, reading, trainings, building, researching, etc.  I have had some miner successes and I have had a TON of movement… movement that is not producing the home run that I seek.

In fact, I have gotten so good at moving that I constantly fly through new business ideas and opportunities only to end up with the same level of success. I have been well aware that I have beliefs that are getting in my way of a home run and I have spent many hours trying to change/destroy these beliefs.

I have done this using my beliefs about business (often disguising them as “practicing new ways of doing it”) and using the parameters that I set up. Because of this, I have continuously created the same levels of success.

Some exercises:

How to do it different? Here are some exercises I am going to practice to externalize my parameters and there for make room to experience/see other opportunities that can then create new beliefs:

I am going to find a people that I admire, whose beliefs are creating results that I seek. I am going to enroll them into telling me what to do. First, I am going to explain to them my current business situations, and then I am going to set it up so each week they tell me one thing to do. This thing can be anything and I don’t get to adjust it, go around it or half ace it.

Yes there are some catches with this, like they could tell me to give them 10 grand or light a building on fire. My solution to this is to find someone who is willing to do this with me, who will in turn, let me tell them something to do the next week (go back and forth). This way if I give them 10 grand they give it back, etc. (I have all ready found one person to do this)

Another exercise at externalizing results is to consciously set up situations with handicaps (like being blinded by a curtain, like in Malcolm’s story) for example; this week I am going to create a business using none of the people I currently know. Doing this would force me out of my beliefs about the people I currently work with, it will also challenge me to create new behavior patterns to find new people.

Okay, to tie this together with balance. When I was talking to Randy about all of this, he said “I believe in seeking balance not being in balance. If I am in balance then everything is a stand still to maintain the current balance. If I am seeking balance I am pushing, pulling, changing and tweaking to create balance”. This statement smacked my face

What if the 6 month cycle I have, isn’t just my old lifestyle resurfacing, as if it where a curse (which is what I have started to believe). What if it is my subconscious’s way of shaking things up because I have hit balance and are no longer moving? And doing it in such a dramatic way, that it forces me to do things different, step into new situations, put up new curtains, etc. (sloppy and inefficient… but affective)

Testing the lesson:

So here is how I am going to test my theory. I am going to constantly find ways to put myself in new situations, with one arm tied behind my back, while actively choosing into other people’s ways of doing things. If my theory is correct, then I will be constantly creating new experiences and therefore creating new beliefs and new results.

Then, if this works on a subconscious level, I will also stop my 6 month cycle because I will all ready be shaking things up, putting up new curtains and doing things different and will no longer need the smack in the face from my subconscious.

A current small example of this is my 30 days of awesomeness. I shook things up, I tied my hands behind my back (no stimulants) and I have seen things in a different way (you are reading the result)! I have staffed before with out creating new ways of doing things or new perceptions. I have the thought that the reason I saw and experienced this was because of my 30 days of awesomeness. And on that note:

Checking in:

Tomorrow I will share my other lesson that I received this past weekend. Keep on Keepin on!

Do you believe you can have it all?

In SyncCreation Blogs on May 6, 2010 at 5:00 PM


I John Rogers, am a Father, a husband, a musician, a lyricists, a business consultant, a fisherman, a skater, a snowboarder, a life coach, an eccentric, a practitioner of SyncCreation, a leader, a follower, and a friend.

While I define myself as these things I am also me with out them. However, right now in this moment I acknowledge all of these things as parts of my life that I choose to nurture, give energy and create with.

Each of these things takes time and energy. Some of these things create time and energy.  All of these things I choose to do… All of them!

I have a belief that I would like to share with you. I believe that I can have it all!

For the full article click here:

Creating my world, one day at a time!

In SyncCreation Blogs on March 16, 2010 at 7:24 PM

3 Months and 16 days and not one time has the Magic of creating a Clear Intention failed me.

…This was the plan; every morning grab my journal and write down what I wanted to create each day. Every night grab the journal and write down how it went and what lessons I learned. Great plan and I did it… for about 3 days…

For the full Article click here: