
Posts Tagged ‘The Great Life Foundation’

Awesomeness – Day 9 – Weekend Lesson Learned #2!

In 30 Day Spiritual, Quest of Awesomeness!, SyncCreation Blogs, TheMrRogers Blogs on July 20, 2010 at 4:10 PM


While yesterdays lesson was a little more left brain, had an observed problem, a solution and a way of testing the solution… the second lesson I learned while staffing Founders was out of no where, has no solution and is left wide open.

By nature, Founders is an opportunity to open up the mind and soul through introspection. And like I mentioned in yesterdays blog, it is very affective at doing so, partially because of the external sources (Trainers, staff and experiences) that invite a person to step out of their previous comfortable ways of doing things (belief structures).

Because I allowed myself to be present, heart opened, and in an experience that challenged my beliefs. I had the opportunity to see some things that I hadn’t noticed prior to staffing this time. This second lesson I learned as the training ended and went down like this.

As I said good bye to the trainees I could feel the immense amount of love and for a brief moment I connected with them, individually. I connected from such a clean and clear space that I noticed how judgmental, shallow and disconnected I usually am, even the previous days of staffing.

Only when my filters/judgments about how people (how they look, fashion, fit, wealthy, strong, good looking, smart, less then, better then, ignorant, slow, etc) subsided, did I realize how strong they had been. And for a brief moment I connected, heart to heart and on such a deep level that I was overwhelmed…

… and then the training ended. I found myself standing in this space, overwhelmed. I felt this deep pain as I watched these amazing people pack up their things and leave. All I wanted to do is reach out and grab someone, a trainee, a fellow staffer, anyone and just sob.

Instead I stood back and attempted to be invisible as the tears came down my cheek. I couldn’t help but wonder when the last time I had felt such clean, clear, unfiltered love for and from another human being was. I was sure it had been multiple years.

I found myself thinking “how did my heart become so closed? And how did I not even notice it?” In my attempt to function, I started to clean up the room and hold back the tears I was spilling. I had the thought that, that might be the answer to the 2 above questions… just hold it back, put my head down and go to work.

That night and all throughout the next day, I was exhausted. I believe it had to do with the last few minutes of the training as I said goodbye. Since then I can feel my heart… it feels hurt… and I don’t know what to do with it. It feels like I experienced an old friend that has left and I don’t know how to bring them back.

I think there is a duality to this. I am grateful to know how closed I was, and I am saddened to notice this hole. I don’t think I have always had this hole. I am sure it is a combination of things that created it… I can think of a few things…

So that is lesson two from staffing Founders. That I had somehow covered over my heart and have been living through my judgments of others in such a complex way that I even had myself convinced that I had an open heart and was in love with humanity… with people…

What’s next? Great question. I am glad I am on this “30 days of awesomeness”. I have the thought that the stimulated life I live might have been one of the biggest reasons I hadn’t noticed this before. I am going to spend the rest of these 30 days (and the rest of my life) exploring this heart of mine, uncovering the layers of dirt, filters, etc that have hid this pain and longing, from being fully noticed.

Maybe I will find out all of the things that caused it. Maybe I will fill it up with love this time instead of the bitter, judgmental, shallow mud that I had crammed in it. Maybe we will just exist together and be a reminder to one another that one can love so deep.

No mater what happens. I am truly grateful for the Founders Training and the inspiring men and women who showed up to live life on a whole new level and for allowing me to come serve and learn. I am also grateful for those that work at the Great Life Foundation and that train the Founders training. Thank you for doing the work, even when others (I) had forgotten.

In gratitude and love – John Rogers

Checking in:

  • Still on track 100%
  • Eating healthy
  • Ran a mile to the gym, worked out for 1hr 45 min (weight lifting) then ran a mile back
  • Drinking water quota
  • Did the Abundance meditation that is in the SyncCreation Home Study Course. I found it fitting to let go of some of the stale energy that was on my chest and create, with gratitude, abundance from it
  • Reading Carlos Castaneda books
  • Tracking my meals
  • No Don’ts!

Keep on Keepin on!

Awesomeness – Day 8 – Recap of AMAZING weekend and lessons learned!

In 30 Day Spiritual, Quest of Awesomeness!, SyncCreation Blogs, TheMrRogers Blogs on July 19, 2010 at 4:53 PM


This past weekend was amazing. I had a two distinct moments of enlightenment that I will spend days/months/years understanding and imbibing. Before I go into them (one in today’s blog and one in tomorrows) I would like to give a quick background of the place/training that set the environment for these epiphanies.

Many of the people, who know me, know that I went through The Great Life Foundation (GLF) about 7/8 years ago. Then about 4/5 years ago, I went through their Founders Training. I was so inspired by both (Founders in particular) that since then I have been on the Founders Board.

Their core trainings unlocked a part of me that I had kept trapped in side since childhood; my emotions, my love for people, my passion and vision, my musical talents and over all it gave me the invitation to live a great life instead of buying into the comfortable complacency that I was mainlining from the masses.

Founders training kicked it up a notch. As I went through Founders I tapped into my vision and how to live it daily, I tapped into my skills and I also found a fire burning inside of me that was strong enough to fuel my desire to attain that which I wanted in my life.

I could go on for hours about the Great Life Foundation’s core trainings and Founders but I would like to discuss the epiphanies I recently had. On that note, one of the best parts about GLF and Founders is staffing. Staffing is an excellent opportunity to gain even more perspective and notice/practice on a deeper level each time. That is what happened these past few days.

Epiphany number 1 – “Seeking Balance” vs. “Being in Balance”:

For the past 10 years (post punk rock, violence and keggers) I have sought balance in my life and I can honestly say I have attained it many times. In fact I have been on an internal cycle of attaining balance and then subconsciously destroying it. I am so clock work in doing this that my wife and I have pinned it down to a 6 month time line… build balance, obtain it and destroy it at the end of the cycle.

Pause that thought for a moment, I will come back to it. Last week as I was staffing Founders, I spoke to a friend of mine, Randy Young, and expressed my belief that it is futile for people to try and destroy their beliefs or even take them head on. I have seen many attempt to destroy them, especially once they found books/movies like ‘The Secret’ or have gone through trainings like GLF.

I shared with Randy how I believe our beliefs are ingrained in us to the point where we aren’t even aware and to continually try and destroy them is a life sentence of chipping away at the top of Everest while thinking we are on a small rock.

In the book Blink Malcolm Gladwell describes the story of how Symphonies used to be comprised of men (except for the occasional female harp player) because everyone believed that men where fundamentally better at playing classical music. If anyone where ever to deem this as sexist, the response would be that; because each symphony held tryouts for their positions and men won every time, there was no way it could be prejudice.

That was until one try out, where, because a son of one of the panel judges was auditioning, they put up a curtain (so the judges could not see who was playing). Of course, a female won the audition and all of the judges where in shock. Since then, auditions have been held using curtains and over and over again women have been accepted to play in the symphonies.

The reason I share this story is to show my point about beliefs. No mater how many times someone told these judges that they had beliefs about women which were affecting their results, they couldn’t see it. Even if they were to be open to the possibility that they were being prejudice, they would still hear the men as better.

No mater how many times someone wants to destroy a belief, it is still there. So instead of chipping at the mountain, why not put up external curtains or build situations that force the individual to look at things in a different way and/or do things in different ways.

Even in extreme situations (like experiential trainings such as GLF and Founders) I have seen many (including myself) walk with my beliefs out, trying to destroy my beliefs, with out realizing that I was acting out the belief I was attempting to destroy.  Every time I do this I find myself frustrated and saying something like this; “are we doomed to keep learning the same lesson, over and over, just in new and different ways”.

My answer is Yes and No. Yes if we try and change/destroy our beliefs. No if we consciously choose to let exterior forces, such as a curtain, into our lives to force us into a new belief, a new experience, a new way of looking at things. Then we have the opportunity to glimpse and maybe even imbibe a new belief, one that might eventually replace the old belief that we wanted to destroy. This is just like in Malcolm’s story; the curtain is now used across the world and the belief about men being better is no longer held.

Founders CAN be a curtain. Here is why, it is something that you won’t experience in your day to day, by nature (because there is a facilitator) there is the opportunity to relinquish my actions/decisions to an exterior force (facilitator, staff, experience, etc).  How ever, one must choose into putting beliefs aside and giving the parameters of the experience to an external force (facilitator, staff, etc). So how do I see this applying to my life? Here is an example:

Here is one belief I am constantly attempting to change; my belief about creating a successful business. I have spent a lot of time on this one; schooling, reading, trainings, building, researching, etc.  I have had some miner successes and I have had a TON of movement… movement that is not producing the home run that I seek.

In fact, I have gotten so good at moving that I constantly fly through new business ideas and opportunities only to end up with the same level of success. I have been well aware that I have beliefs that are getting in my way of a home run and I have spent many hours trying to change/destroy these beliefs.

I have done this using my beliefs about business (often disguising them as “practicing new ways of doing it”) and using the parameters that I set up. Because of this, I have continuously created the same levels of success.

Some exercises:

How to do it different? Here are some exercises I am going to practice to externalize my parameters and there for make room to experience/see other opportunities that can then create new beliefs:

I am going to find a people that I admire, whose beliefs are creating results that I seek. I am going to enroll them into telling me what to do. First, I am going to explain to them my current business situations, and then I am going to set it up so each week they tell me one thing to do. This thing can be anything and I don’t get to adjust it, go around it or half ace it.

Yes there are some catches with this, like they could tell me to give them 10 grand or light a building on fire. My solution to this is to find someone who is willing to do this with me, who will in turn, let me tell them something to do the next week (go back and forth). This way if I give them 10 grand they give it back, etc. (I have all ready found one person to do this)

Another exercise at externalizing results is to consciously set up situations with handicaps (like being blinded by a curtain, like in Malcolm’s story) for example; this week I am going to create a business using none of the people I currently know. Doing this would force me out of my beliefs about the people I currently work with, it will also challenge me to create new behavior patterns to find new people.

Okay, to tie this together with balance. When I was talking to Randy about all of this, he said “I believe in seeking balance not being in balance. If I am in balance then everything is a stand still to maintain the current balance. If I am seeking balance I am pushing, pulling, changing and tweaking to create balance”. This statement smacked my face

What if the 6 month cycle I have, isn’t just my old lifestyle resurfacing, as if it where a curse (which is what I have started to believe). What if it is my subconscious’s way of shaking things up because I have hit balance and are no longer moving? And doing it in such a dramatic way, that it forces me to do things different, step into new situations, put up new curtains, etc. (sloppy and inefficient… but affective)

Testing the lesson:

So here is how I am going to test my theory. I am going to constantly find ways to put myself in new situations, with one arm tied behind my back, while actively choosing into other people’s ways of doing things. If my theory is correct, then I will be constantly creating new experiences and therefore creating new beliefs and new results.

Then, if this works on a subconscious level, I will also stop my 6 month cycle because I will all ready be shaking things up, putting up new curtains and doing things different and will no longer need the smack in the face from my subconscious.

A current small example of this is my 30 days of awesomeness. I shook things up, I tied my hands behind my back (no stimulants) and I have seen things in a different way (you are reading the result)! I have staffed before with out creating new ways of doing things or new perceptions. I have the thought that the reason I saw and experienced this was because of my 30 days of awesomeness. And on that note:

Checking in:

Tomorrow I will share my other lesson that I received this past weekend. Keep on Keepin on!

Awesomeness – Day 6 – WOW! So much gratitude for this weekend!

In 30 Day Spiritual, Quest of Awesomeness!, SyncCreation Blogs, TheMrRogers Blogs on July 18, 2010 at 3:27 AM


I just got done, about an hour ago, staffing the Founders Training at The Great Life Foundation.

Due to the lack of mental and physical energy, I am going to put myself to bed… while being completely full, beyond capacity (some of it has poured out of my eyes) with love.

Love for mankind, Love for Founders, Love for those who are willing to be vulnerable, Love for learning, Love for those that love, Love for myself, Love for noticing the crap I have been holding onto to validate who I am, Love for seeing options and opportunity where I thought there was none, Love for life and love for you!

I am still on track 100% (although today was VERY hard!)

I will write a ton about the past few days. Good night my fellow travelers!

The Mr. Rogers meets ODeasy – The beginning

In Music on May 25, 2010 at 2:15 PM

The Phantom Tollbooth

I was going to post some Poetry/Lyrics I recently wrote today. But I figured that before I did I would start at the beginning with Preston, Imbibe, my A.K.A. and its evolution and why I write.

For full article click here:–-the-beginning/

Be carefull what you wish for… I got it all and then some!

In SyncCreation Blogs on January 12, 2010 at 3:58 PM

It is a new year, a time for reflection and creating new direction.  How was your 2009? After chewing over this question for a time I decided that I was glad that 2009 happened as long as it never happens again… ever!

Have you ever heard the saying be careful what you wish for? Well that was my 2009, the year of getting what I asked for and then some….

For full article click here: