
Posts Tagged ‘Lyrics’

The Mr. Rogers meets ODeasy – The beginning

In Music on May 25, 2010 at 2:15 PM

The Phantom Tollbooth

I was going to post some Poetry/Lyrics I recently wrote today. But I figured that before I did I would start at the beginning with Preston, Imbibe, my A.K.A. and its evolution and why I write.

For full article click here:–-the-beginning/

Phantom Tollbooth Records

In Music on May 24, 2010 at 4:32 PM

Phantom Tollbooth Records

Dear friends and family,

Today is a very special day for me. It is the day that I put actions behind my words. I have talked about sharing music and poetry with you and I have also talked about my passion for bringing communities together to share the messages we all have inside.

On that note… I give you Phantom Tollbooth Records

Please take a moment and check it out!

I also extend the invitation for you to join me in creating more awareness for the art and music that is created by you and our friends and family. If you have a peace of art, music, poetry, lyrics, songs, etc. that you would like to put on P.T.R. then email it, along with its description/story, to:

New blog post at Phantom Tollbooth Records:

To all my extreme friends and family… Take a rest!

In SyncCreation Blogs on February 9, 2010 at 6:12 PM

Here it is, time to come clean; I am an addict. That is correct; you heard it from me before you heard it through the grape vine.  To my friends and family who might be wondering how they did not know this about me until now; I would have told you but I just realized…

For Full article click link below: